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Duration | 2:15

Category | Medicine, Env. Protection

Organisation | Tzu-Chi Foundation (Singapore)

Zero Spot takes up Healthier Me 21-Day Challenge

Tzu Chi Singapore held its second season of the “Healthier Me 21-Day Challenge” in October 2021. Being a vegetarian for many years, the lady boss of Zero Spot, Teo Siew Leng immediately invited her family, friends and staff to participate in the challenge upon learning about the programme. Besides participating in the challenge herself, Teo also pledged to stand by those who faced any doubts or hesitation during the challenge. At the end of the 21-days, Teo was gratified to see how the programme had changed the perception of staff who initially resisted the plant-based diet and how it taught them to regain health through a change in diet.  

Tzu Chi Singapore has been promoting the “Healthier Me 21-Day Challenge”. Entrepreneur Teo Siew Leng invited her staff to participate and promised to stand by them throughout the period. 

Zero Spot owner, Teo Siew Leng: First of all, I looked for those with such health concepts and are receptive to this diet. The second group I looked for are those with health issues. I called every one of them to ask how was the food on that day. Madam, sorry I cannot take it. I think I want to stop this tomorrow. Then I explained to her that we are having these meals for our health. We are what we eat. It is mutual. So, it is vital as to how to decide for ourselves. This is a good message. I am delighted. 

I added chili padi myself on day one and day two. 

It requires adaptation when meals become light and bland. The presence of an unlikeable vegetable also escalates the level of the challenge. Thankfully, the mutual encouragement among colleagues kept each other going, leading to noticeable changes in them. 

Zero Spot staff, Thinzar Thein: When I see my lunchbox, I’m thinking whetheris it possible for me to go through these 21 days. Once we overcome this thought, (we can) really go through until the end. I feel lighter. I don’t get too tired. If you don't try, you won’t know. 

Zero Spot staff, Se Pei Yong: I finished my meal within five to ten minutes on the first two days. My stomach felt uncomfortable as I had switched from white to brown rice. Then I went to my lady boss. She told me to eat slower, so I learned to eat slowly. While I ate, I started pondering, why have I not noticed the good taste of these food? Why did I add so much seasoning in the past? If it brings me good health, why don’t I choose to live in a healthier way? 

It is our choice to satisfy our appetite or to eat to become healthy. Is whole-food plant-based diet good? It is more effective to experience the diet personally rather than just listening to advice from others.  

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