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Duration | 1:49

Category | Medicine, Env. Protection

Organisation | Tzu-Chi Foundation (Singapore)

Efforts to promote vegetarianism are sprouting at Tzu Chi Free Clinic in Khatib

TCM practitioners, colleagues and volunteers at Buddhist Tzu Chi Traditional Chinese Medicine Free Clinic in Khatib have been promoting vegetarianism at the clinic since May. Some people have even converted into vegetarians because of the encouragement they received from the staff and volunteers at the clinic.

Tzu Chi volunteer :
A piece of meat eaten is another life lost.

Every volunteer and staff at Tzu Chi Free Clinic in Khatib are actively promoting plant-based diet to the public to help safeguard health and protect lives.

Free Clinic staff:
You have completed your mission! Thank you for your participation. Auntie, keep it up!
(I will)

Free Clinic patient:
Having meat creates a lot of burden to our body, it is better to eat vegetables.

Free Clinic TCM practitioner, Lim Lay Hwa:
It is a bit difficult for them to give up eating meat. We need to guide them slowly, but time is running out, we must do more to help them understand why going vegetarian is the better choice.

Free Clinic TCM practitioner:
Planet earth has fallen ill. By eating meat, you are indirectly killing animals, how much agony and hatred would there be. That’s not good. We should forge good affinity with animals.

A TCM practitioner has not forgotten to encourage her patient to go meatless during an acupuncture session. Richard Tan heeded the advice and noticed the positive changes in him after cutting down on meat.

Free Clinic patient, Richard Tan
I guess eating meat can really affect our blood circulation. Sometimes I would feel joint pain at night after eating meat. After skipping meat and only eating vegetables in the following days, the pain lessened. I hope I can become a vegetarian for the rest of my life.

The other person who responded to the call is Tai Kok Leong. This card has awakened his compassion.

Free Clinic patient, Tai Kok Leong
They told me that many animals are killed every second. Wow, that’s a lot. Although we do not kill them directly, there is still karma for eating these animals.
(You have gone meatless for a few months, will you continue to do so?) Yes

Free Clinic staff, Dieok Siew Ee
We can see their sincerity in adopting a vegetarian diet. In doing so, not only are they taking care of their health and protecting earth and animals, they are also motivating us.

Each vegetarian meal is a show of love. May everyone who visits this free clinic would pledge to go meatless.

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